Storytelling has become such a huge part of modern society.

With the evolution of technology, people are sharing more and more of their own personal stories, made up or real.

We are able to put out to the world exactly what we want people to believe about us and about our lives. Facebook and Instagram even have a “stories” section where we can share video insights into our daily lives.

It’s funny…I was thinking it would be so cool if Facebook or Instagram could video record the stories that run through my head daily. Some of these stories have been floating around in my consciousness for decades and others are new chapters I am beginning to cultivate.

Some people engage heavily in social media, sharing every detail and others enjoy staying silent, quietly perusing the stories of the bold and the brash.

I have no judgement either way…whether you share often or never…I guess my judgement lies in whether it’s authentic and real or a fantasy…

Now, let’s get real. Who am I to judge anyway?

Yes, judgement is a “thing” for me. It’s a thing I am practicing daily to discard.

Share whatever the hell that floats your boat.

I do.

So…back to storytelling.

It’s so interesting to me…the stories we tell ourselves. Not the stories we post online or share with strangers but the underlying stories that give us our identity.

The stories we have conjured up about ourselves identify us. Our ego often holds onto these stories tightly, telling us that this is who we are.

Our ego holds onto these old stories like a dog with a bone.

These might be old stories (tapes, if you will) that run through our mind. And, they may be true stories.

You might be wondering what in the heck I am talking about.

I am talking about the good, the bad and the ugly.

Here are a few stories that I have told myself unconsciously or consciously throughout my life.

I will never be married. It isn’t meant for me. It’s too hard and it scares me. Interpersonal relationships and deep intimacy are hard.

God knew better than to give me children. I would be a terrible mother. I am too selfish to be a mother.

I can do anything that I set my mind to. I am a risk taker. I love change. I am an entrepreneur. I am confident in all aspects of my life (except the romantic relationship department.)

These little snippets are stories I have been repeating over and over in my life. And, guess what? They are all true.

I have never been married. I have no children. And, I am blessed with confidence, running my own business, loving risk and change.

When we buy into our stories, we solidify them. They happen.

Rewriting our stories.

So what if we re-write our stories? What if we re-write the negative tapes running through our heads into positive ones?

For the past six months to a year, I try to write daily. I am writing out new stories. And, as time has evolved, these new stories are starting to repeat in my head throughout the day.

I am worthy of love. I am lovable. I am in love.

I am a good steward of money. I am responsible with money.

I am a child of God. I am here. I am listening. I am heeding your call. A blank slate for you to mold and do what I am told. Speak to me. Guide me. Whisper in my ear. Better yet…be very clear.

I can dance sober. I am dancing. I am comfortable in my own skin.

And…on and on.

What stories are running through your mind? Are they serving you?

The more I write my new stories, the more they are becoming the bedrock of my new life.

I would love for you to share a story that’s been keeping you down or a new story that you are cultivating.

Cultivate it. Nurture it. Let this new story grow and blossom until it becomes your new way of life.

