There’s something to be said for discipline.

Somewhere I have heard that alcoholics are not very disciplined. I would agree that this is pretty accurate.

When I first dipped my toes into the sober world, sort of (that’s a big SORT OF) trying to get sober, I worked with a mentor who told me I lacked discipline.  He asked me to call him every day at the same time to check in about my day.

When he told me that I wasn’t disciplined, I was a little miffed, but I conceded. (My life was literally spiraling down the drain like liquid Drano, and I didn’t think I had a discipline problem.)

I would try on most days to call and leave a voice message about how I was doing. It was my first attempt at a smidge of discipline, and I realize now that I totally suck at discipline.

It’s totally apparent in my life. I am not disciplined about anything. I go through spurts with different routines.

I am off and on with everything.

I say I am going to write and post on this page daily…and I stick with it for about a week or so, and then just wander off.

Usually, I wash my face and apply all of my serums and elixirs a few times per week, but generally not every night.

Sometimes I go to bed without brushing my teeth! Oh, the horror!

I don’t work out, and I keep thinking about running but just don’t get around to it. I would venture to say I am about one of the least disciplined people I know. And, I know some really disciplined people.

When I think about my friends who are highly disciplined, I realize that they live pretty good lives. For the most part and from what I can tell, they seem to be fairly stable…emotionally and definitely physically.

As I write this, I am realizing that most of my disciplined friends are tenacious about working out and in normal every-day routine type things, as well.

To put it simply, they just get shit done.

I don’t tend to get things done until the last second of the last minute of the last hour before it’s due. I need deadlines and appointments scheduled.

I go to work every day because people are waiting for me there. I have appointments with people. When I was a freelance marketing consultant, there would be days when I would never get dressed or do any work. I need a task master.

Now, please know that I am not beating myself up over this lack of discipline, but I just got to thinking about it this morning because…

well, because I took out my pen and paper and began to journal after about a week or so of not doing it.

As I was writing, I was asking my spirit guides to allow me to truly connect with my skincare clients; allow me to make a huge impact on their life; allow me to help them become disciplined.

For those of you who don’t know, I own a skincare clinic where we specialize in clearing acne, and discipline is the KEY. I am telling you…D.I.S.C.I.P.L.I.N.E. is how you will get clear, yet so many of our clients just won’t do the routine morning and night or consistently every day.

Believe me, I get it.

And there it was in my journal…”God, allow me to connect with my clients in a transformational way. Allow me to inspire them to be disciplined. Allow me to be disciplined.”


“Allow me to be disciplined.”

Yes, there it was from my pen to paper…I am working with these young clients so that I can learn discipline. You can’t teach what you don’t know. Right?!

You know, I have always hated the word discipline. It just makes me feel harnessed. I don’t want to be harnessed. I want to flow and be creative and impromptu.

Do you know when I am in the most flow and creativity? It’s when I journal every morning and ask my higher power to guide me, to direct me, to allow me to be of maximum service.

And guess what? Flow and creativity happens when I am disciplined enough to wake up and do the work…ten minutes of daily writing. That’s it. That’s all it takes.

We alcoholics are often very undisciplined. I am just realizing how much so. This is one I am going to be working on so that I can help my clients become beautifully clear through disciplined action.

Wow! I shock myself with my writing sometimes. There it is on paper again.

“Become beautifully clear through disciplined action.”

Imagine that. I have been seeking clarity and purpose for years.

I am beginning to have clarity.

So, here’s to discipline.

Please don’t call me out if I don’t post here for another month.  Wink Wink.