I remember it clearly.

“God, do for me that which I cannot do for myself.”

I prayed this prayer daily and many times throughout the day for at least six months leading up to my initiation into sobriety.

The prayer typically ran through my head as I was glugging vodka straight out of the bottle. I couldn’t consume it fast enough. And, I gulped it down all day long.

Each and every day…glug, glug, glug. “God, do for me that which I cannot do for myself.”

Glug, glug, glug. “God, help me.”

Glug, glug, glug. “Please God, I am helpless. Please do for me that which I cannot do for myself.”

The prayer became stronger and stronger. And my might became weaker and weaker. This tornado of hell was rendering me incapacitated to the point that there was nothing left to do besides surrender.

This was the lowest point in my life. I was not religious or spiritual. I was desperate.

And, one day, I stopped, and I went to a 12-step meeting. And, the story goes on from there, but the point of today’s conversation is about prayer.

I really had no spiritual life prior to getting sober. I didn’t have faith. But, the only thing I could think to do as was spiraling into oblivion was to pray for help.

Since getting sober, I have slowly developed faith in a power greater than myself. I am not religious and don’t attest to one orthodox or another.

I am spiritual.

Powerful Prayer

And the more I tune in to the Universe, to God, to source energy, to intuition…the more powerful prayer becomes in my life.

My friends are often astounded at some of the things that happen to me in relation to prayer.

This morning I was pondering the idea of asking God for help.

I had suggested to a friend that she simply ask God to let it be easy over the next two days while she watches her two grandchildren under the ages of three.

After talking with my friend, I got to thinking about how I have asked God for help in my life, and how he/she/it always shows up.

I don’t know exactly how it works, but I do know that it works.

When I wanted to sell my 1972 hot metallic pink Volkswagen, I stood in the doorway of my home, and I said out loud, “God, allow me to sell this car and let it be easy and effortless.” I wrote down my request on paper, and I put it in my God box.

The next day, my neighbors were having a garage sale. I went over with coffee in hand to chat with my friends, and I mentioned that I should pull my Volkswagen out for the sale. My neighbor asked if I was selling the car and how much. I gave her a price, and she said sold.

This was the day after I put my prayer request into the God box.

I did the same thing when I was looking for a massage therapist to rent space from me at my day spa. I asked God to let it be easy and effortless. About a week later, I received a call from someone who was looking for a space to rent. I didn’t run an ad or ask around. She simply found me.

It just works like that.

Pray Intentionally

But upon further introspection, I realized that there really is a method to powerful prayer.

  • Pray
  • Believe
  • Listen

There are times in my life when I pray quickly for something, and nothing happens. I chalk this up to not truly believing.

All three steps are key.

  • First…you must ask.
  • Second…you must believe that it can happen.
  • Third…you must look and listen for the answer.

I have countless stories about answered prayers in my life. Prayers involving healed relationships, resentments to lessen, judgements to discard, things to sell, people to show up, etc., etc.

Once you start praying daily and noticing the miracles of a power greater than yourself, it becomes more of a way of life.

I keep my eyes and ears open for the answers.

And…I must tell you. I asked God for guidance today regarding my greeting card business. As I was writing this very lengthy post, I asked God this:

God guide me. I am writing and going within, but I believe there is more. God reveal to me my next steps in career and life. Be very clear God.

I wrote all of this before my 6 a.m. walk with Stitch. I came home to find two greeting card orders had come in while I was out for 30 minutes.

Okay, God…I get it. Keep going. Stay the course. Thank you.

But that wasn’t all…I received two more orders by the end of the day. Two of the orders were sizeable. It was my best day of greeting card sales to date. Yes…four sales in one day is my best day to date.

And, I am OVER THE MOON with excitement. Y’all don’t know what happens to me when I sell a card. I get all giddy inside. It just thrills me to no end when someone wants to celebrate recovery with one of my cards.

I asked. I believed. God answered.

It’s that simple.