No Bones About It Communication

2018-08-05T17:03:09-08:00August 5th, 2018|Communication, Early Sobriety, Freedom|0 Comments

Communication is key to staying sober. What if we set about our day in the same way dogs do? What if we freely expressed what we need and desire from others and situations?  And, boldly communicated without worry of what others might think of us? What if we didn’t filter our lives? From what I can tell, dogs truly take care of themselves. They aren’t afraid to ask for what they want or need. They are not concerned with appearing overly needy. If they are hungry, they sometimes push their food bowl around, signaling for a treat of some kind. When they want attention, they make no “bones” about it. They come to us and gently nuzzle in. Or, in Stitch’s case, he quickly turns so that his rear end is the object of your petting hand. There is no worry of what we might think about them. They unapologetically [...]