About Love and Recovery

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So far Love and Recovery has created 47 blog entries.
31 10, 2015

Being Sober is a Worthy Goal

2020-11-11T15:25:47-08:00October 31st, 2015|Meditation, Recovery Stories|0 Comments

This morning I wake and ask myself, what really keeps me sober. In fact, how have I stayed sober from my drug of choice for ten years? I realize it was having the worthy goal to be and to stay a sober person, living a sober life. I committed to this goal and remind myself of it every day. I know that what my mind can believe & conceive, it can achieve. I work towards this goal with all my actions throughout my day. I realize that I am the sum of my thoughts thus far and if I make my thoughts positive and productive, clear and precise, so will be my life. Best of all, I’ve recognized the secret to happiness is freedom and the secret to freedom is courage. So start today to set a worthy goal to have the courage to stay sober one day at a [...]

21 10, 2015

I Choose to be Authentic

2020-11-11T15:25:47-08:00October 21st, 2015|Early Sobriety, Faith, Recovery Stories|2 Comments

  This article was written by Rene, founder of Love & Recovery, and first published on TinyBuddha.com. Click on the link to read the full article, Why We Need to Share Our Honest Feelings. She hurt my feelings. She was leaving soon to live in another country for up to six months. I knew that if I held on to my hurt, this resentment would fester, and my best friend would be the recipient of my anger. I prayed for courage to find the right words. I didn’t want to hurt her. I knew I had to say something or I would allow my hurt to manifest into something huge. The courage came, and I acted immediately. I dialed; my heart pounded. I was so afraid. She answered. The lump in my throat made me silent. I began to weep. I gently uttered, “I’m calling to tell you that you [...]

13 09, 2015

I Am Not Built For The Streets

2020-11-11T15:25:48-08:00September 13th, 2015|Early Sobriety, Recovery Stories|2 Comments

He wasn’t meant to live on the streets. He was raised in an upper-middle class family. He grew up in a nice home and he had nice things. He is gifted with wonderful talents. He sings beautiful melodies with a deep baritone voice. He writes his own lyrics—thought-provoking and soulful stories set to his original tracks. He is an artist and words are his medium. He went to college on a baseball scholarship. Boy, could he pitch! Did I mention that he is talented? An athlete, an intellectual, an artist. He also is a loner. He loves philosophy and gets frustrated with the mundane. He is brilliant and recites verses out of the Bible as well as studies the fundamentals of various other religious beliefs. He loves nature and animals. He is vegan and literally will not kill an ant or any other living creature. And, did I mention that [...]

2 08, 2015

Recovery: The Gift of the Present

2020-11-11T15:25:48-08:00August 2nd, 2015|Early Sobriety, Meditation|0 Comments

Five tips for staying in the moment I founded Love & Recovery as a place to find beautiful gifts and inspiration for people in recovery. One of the greatest gifts any of us can give to ourselves and to others, is the gift of our full attention, our presence. Have you ever noticed that the more idle time you have, the more havoc your thoughts can create? I’m half tempted to throw in a little smiley face to say I’m kidding, but really…I’m not. Recently, I have had a lot of time on my hands. And, with that time comes a very active mind and imagination. Random thoughts of fear, catastrophe, grandeur and glory race through my head all day long … if and when I give them free reign. I trust that God always has a plan for us. And right now, I feel His plan for me is [...]

26 07, 2015

Okay is Enough…Abiding Joy in Recovery

2015-07-27T01:51:07-08:00July 26th, 2015|Joyful Recovery, Recovery Stories|2 Comments

Life in Recovery according to Kellyann. Simply being in the 6:45 Shark Island meeting on a Thursday morning..... The raw shares of open heartedness are touching; the laughter makes me feel lighter and happy to be an alcoholic with solution, the connection of mind, body, spirit, and soul...emotionally and physically are stunning, and I'm so relieved over and over again how blessed I am to be okay, just okay. The middle path - not too elated, not depressed, simply filled with abiding joy.

22 07, 2015

Shimmy in the Light of the Spirit

2020-11-11T15:25:48-08:00July 22nd, 2015|Faith, Joyful Recovery|10 Comments

So...you think you can dance? This Saturday is National Dance Day. Just writing that sentence makes me nervous. Yes...nervous! My dance skills have always been meager at best,  and they weren’t enhanced when I was drinking, but the liquid courage allowed me to occasionally cut a rug. Ha! In my now zero-proof life, dancing scares the holy heck out of me. But secretly or not so secretly, now, I have a strange desire to dance. Flipping channels on the telly* last night, I came across the hit series, So You Think You Can Dance...a show that truly inspires me. And, the creator of the show, Nigel Lythgoe, also established National Dance Day in 2010. National Dance Day encourages Americans to embrace dance as a fun and positive way to maintain good health and fight obesity. Soooo….all of this talk about dance got me thinking. Why am I afraid to dance [...]

27 05, 2015

Look for the Light

2015-07-26T22:02:26-08:00May 27th, 2015|Early Sobriety, Faith, Recovery Stories|0 Comments

I'm sitting in traffic on Pacific Coast Highway gazing at the ocean and remembering the dark days that came with the city of Santa Monica from 2010 to 2012. I loved it here during that time. I was a tiny little speck among millions of people. No one knew my name, and I could slip into any one of thousands of liquor stores that are on every corner in Los Angeles. I was anonymous and could dive into my oblivion, and then spend my nights at that wretched apartment that sat high above the Pacific Ocean  and overlooked the Santa Monica Pier. It was such a dichotomy. A beautiful view from a cluttered, dark mess. And there I would stand, looking out of the window with my best friend vodka and I would think how great life was. I enjoyed being unknown in my last years of drinking, so I [...]
