I sashayed down Main Street feeling like Carrie Bradshaw from Sex in the City. Grinning, I looked people in the eye and said hello. I chatted with strangers as they stopped to pet my French bulldog, Stitch, and he was happy to oblige them.

I have often compared downtown Huntington Beach to Beaver Cleaver land, where everyone knows you and your dog’s name, and where the neighbors are friendly and chit chat in their front yards about local happenings. It’s more than congenial.  It’s jovial.

And, tonight on this warm November evening, Stitch and I strolled down to the weekly Tuesday night street fair and farmers market. It’s within walking distance from our house, and it’s always fun to run into friends along the way.

Our walks to the street fair are always pleasant, but tonight seemed different. It seemed magical. I felt like I had stepped right onto a film set where they were filming a story about Small Town, USA. The characters were especially friendly. The street vendors waved out calling my name to come have a sample of their homemade tamales or freshly fried churros.

There was something in the air tonight, an electricity that I could feel in my step.

The more I think about it…there was magic in the air today. And, tonight was just the perfect ending to a perfect day.

The day started out at 4 a.m.! Yes, 4 a.m.! I am an early, early bird! I love to wake before the dawn, journal, pray and drink coffee loaded with cream. It’s my most cherished time for connection with the divine.

It didn’t used to be this way (as of about four weeks ago). I have always woken up at 4 a.m., but the difference is I would roll over, grab my phone, check my bank account balance and then check into Facebook and Instagram to see what had happened overnight.

Over the course of the last four weeks, I have developed a new morning ritual devoid of cell phone, social media and bank accounts. And, it has radically transformed my life and my perspective. I will be writing about journaling a lot because I am HOOKED! It is my jam.

I worked out at 5 a.m. with a group of ladies who each login to a virtual conference call, and we each work out in our own homes for about 30 minutes. This also has been life changing.

What has gotten into me with all of these routines and rituals enhance sobriety? I will tell you what. A deeper connection with God, with my higher power, with the spirit of the universe. Whatever you like to call it. I have learned in the last four weeks that I must make space and time for connection. And I do it with intention.

A little later in the morning, I called The Gas Company to schedule a time to light my pilot. They didn’t have any availability until December 6 and said I would have to hire a plumber to take care of it.

I went out to run a few errands only to come back and find The Gas Company work truck in my alley with a technician sitting inside. He was in between appointments and was just killing time in my alley. What? Are you kidding me? What is the likelihood that I find a worker from The Gas Company killing time in my alley. So, I asked him if he would come light my pilot. (It sounds kind of risqué as I write this which makes me smile.) Why sure lady, I will come in and light your pilot! Wink wink.

But he wasn’t supposed to. It was against The Gas Company protocols and procedures.  He needed a work order. But he lit the pilot and checked for carbon monoxide leaks. I was good to go!

Now you might be thinking, okay so what? The Gas Company was wasting time in your alley. Who cares?

I care. Because I choose to believe that it wasn’t a coincidence. It was God taking care of me. My eyes are wide open to see the little miracles in life. Little serendipitous occasions that are signs to me that He has my back.

And the day just progressed from there. It all starts with the daily reflection which set the tone and the outlook for day. The tone for today was a skip in my step in this little fairytale land that I get the pleasure of calling home.